Student life is the best time for making your life Best

Student life is the best time for making your life Best. By the student life you can chose wher is your best plase to get good things in your life. Good student will go good place to devolop himself and Making his good future. Student is not only the future maker his or her famimly is the major things to deovolop and help a student to bulid up a good future. A man cannot bron to be a good and a baby never know about all of the thing in this world a baby lern form his famalily and from his relativs and try to do all of the work that he learn from his family and relative. It good or bad but he learn it from his socity i mean his family and relatives .
Proper study can make a student good for his future it is proved by many other great people.many people bron in this world withoput money power but they bron with great human power in thier brien if we saw the history of this world we can see the many great history . to make you and your mind as a good student you shold floolw good rutin that help you for your study you shold floow the time table when you read bangla,english,math and all of the importan subject.Time table is the main think for good study or a good student habit so if you want to be a good student you shold fllow the ruls of a good student.Study has no limition you can read from your any age just you have mantality to read then only you can gain your aim. Life is a perfomancing place your are the hero of this drama so be careful about your life and also for your future.


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