IBA 58 Intake (Full solution )

If x is decreased from 2 to -2 , which of the following must increase ?
A) 2+x B. 5-x^2 C) 1+(1/x) D) 1/(x-3)
Answer :
A) 2+2=4 ; 2-2=0
So, it is decreased
5-2^2=1 ; 5-(-2)^2=1
Remain same
C) 1+(1/2)=3/2 ; 1-(1/2)=(1/2)
It is decreased
D) 1/(2-3)=-1 ; 1/(-2-3)=1/(-5)
It is increased
So Answer : D
In a class of 25 students, 10 have less than 6 marbles, 10 have more than 7 marbles, 4 have more than 8 marbles.How many students have more than 5 marbles but less than 9 marbles?
A) 10 B. 11 C) 12 D) 13 E) None
Answer :
10 students have < 6 marbles
# 10 students have > 7 marbles
4 students have > 8 marbles
# 1 students have < 9 marbles
So 10+1 that is 11 (Ans.)
A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track is 240 metres ahead of the engine of a 120 metres long train running at 45 kmph in the same direction.In how much time will the train pass the jogger ?
A) 3.6 sec B. 18 sec C) 36 sec D) 72 sec E) None
Answer :
MT=Initial separation/Relative speed
Initial separation =240+120 that is 360 m
Relative speed =(45-9) kmph
=36*(5/18) that is 10 m/s
MT=360/10 that is 36 sec (Ans.)
Arif sold 100 pens, of which 50 are red and 50 are black, at TK. 48 per pen.He made a profit of 20% on the black pens and made a loss of 20% on the red pens.what was the net gain on this sale ?
A) 0 B. -50 C) -100 D) -200 E) None
Answer :
Total SP=100*48 that is 4800
SP of red pen=50*48=2400
SP of black pen=50*48=2400
Total CP=2400*(5/6)+2400*(5/4) that is 5000.
So Loss=200 (Ans.)
7 years ago, Samir was 3 times as old as Saurov.In 4 years Samir will be twice as old as Saurov.What is Saurov’s present age?
A) 40 B. 18 C) 30 D) 20 E) None
Samir:Saurov =3:1 (7 yrs back)
Samir: Saurov =2:1 (After 4 yrs from present)
Age gap=7+4 that is 11
Samir age ratio gap=3-2 that is 1
ATQ 1==11
So 1 is also 11.
Saurov ‘s present age=11+7 that is 18 (Ans.)
Saurov ‘s present age=S+7
Samir’s present age=3S+7
After 4 yrs:
So, Saurov ‘s age=S+7=11+7 that is 18 (Ans.)
Box1 contains 500 marbles, 24% of which are black.Box2 contains some marbles of which 10% are black.You put the marbles together in another box and found that the percentage of black marbles is 20%.How many marbles were there in Box2?
A) 100 B. 150 C) 200 D) 250 E) None
Applying RoA :
ATQ 5==500
2==500*2/5 that is 200 (Ans.)
24% of 500=120 are black
500-120 =380 are white
120+10% of x =20% of (500+x)
On solving, x=200 (Ans.)
If -8<=x<=2 and -4<=y<=10 which of the following represents the range of all possible values of XY ?
Possible values of XY are
1. (-8)*(-4)=32
2. 2*10=20
3. (-8)*10=-80
4. (-4)*2=-8
So, range is -80<=XY<=32 (Ans.)
Raju has x number of books, which is 3 times as many as Siam and 1/2 As many as Payel.How many books do the three of them have altogether, in terms of x ?
A) 5x/6 B. 7x/3 C) 10x/3 D) 7x/2 E) None
Answer :
Raju has=x books
ATQ x=3*Siam
So Siam=(x/3) books
x==(1/2) of Piyal
So, Piyal =2x books
Cumulatively x+2x+(x/3) that is 10x/3 (Ans.)
If y is an integer and 15<y<25, which of the following could be the average of 12,14,17,23 and y ?
A) 13.2 B. 15.6 C) 16.8 D) 18.2 E) 19.5
Answer :
Average value always lies in the middle.So, middle value is 17 which is near to 16.8 (Ans.)
When a positive integer x is divided by 5 the remainder is 1. When x is divided by 8, the remainder is 4.What is the smallest positive integer y , such that (x+y) is divisible by 40?
A) 3 B.4 C) 9 D) 13 E) None
Answer :
If x=36 is taken thn all the conditions are satisfied.So, if x=36 then y must be 4 in order to divisible 36+4=40 by 40. So, y=4 (Ans.)
At a certain bookstore,the regular price of each book is 20% less than it’s listed price.If during a sale, the price of each book at the store was 15% less than its regular price.The price of a book during the sale was what percent less than its listed price ?
A) 30% B) 32% C) 35% D) 38% E) None
LP:RP:SP=(5*20):(4*20):(4*17) that is 100:80:68
So 100-68 that is 32% less (Ans.)
During sale,
RP =80*(17/20) that is 68
So, LP=100
So RP=32% less (Ans.)
Silver is 26 times as heavy as Gold and Iron is 17 times as heavy as Gold.You have to prepare a mixture which is 23 times as heavy as Gold.what will be the ratio of Iron to silver in the mixture ?
A) 2:1 B. 2:3 C) 3:5 D) 1:2 E) None
Answer :
Applying RoA :
=>2:1 (Ans.)
One year ago, the ratio of salary of Nasir and Gaurav was 5:8.Ratio between this year’s and last year’s salary of Nasir is 28:25 and the same for Gaurav’s is 23:20.If the sum of their present salary is TK. 1184, the difference between their present salary is :
A) TK. 448 B. TK. 340 C) TK. 288 D) TK.240 E) None
Answer :
1 year Ago :
Ratio of N:G=5:8
ATQ 25==50
28==50*28/25 that is 56
23==80*23/20 that is 92
Ratio of present salary:
N:G=56:92 or 14:23
ATQ 37==1184
9==1184*9/37 that is 288 (Ans.)
28==5*28/25 that is 28/5 means 560%
Again 20==8
23==8*23/20 that is 46/5 means 920%
ATQ 1480%==1184
360%==1184*360/1480 that is 288 (Ans.)
If x is an integer such that 5<x<11, 7<x<13 and x+2<12 then how many integers will satisfy x ?
A) 1 B. 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) None
Here, 6,7,8,9,10 can be the value of x.
Again, 7<x<13
Here, 8,9,10,11,12 can be the value of x
Now, 8,9,10 are matched with both the conditions.
So, 8+2<12 ; 10<12 true
9+2<12 ; 11<12 true
10+2<12 ; 12<12 false
So there are two possible values of x (Ans.)
John appointed 25 persons to complete a small bridge in 40 days. After 20 days, he appointed 15 more workers and the bridge was completed 5 days earlier.If he had not appointed additional workers by how many days he would have been behind the scheduled time ?
A) 2 B. 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 7
Applying MDH method :
=>D=-4 days means 4 days behind the schedule (Ans.)
At a certain club, the number of male members is twice that if female members.If 1/4 of male members are engineers and 1/5 of the female members are engineers, what fraction of the members are non-engineers ?
A) 13/25 B. 23/30 C) 2/5 D) 8/19 E) None
Answer: is attached in the comment box.
Arif starts from A at 10 am towards B at 100 kmph.Babu starts from A at 10:10 am towards B at 120 kmph.Babu reached B 10 minutes before Arif.Calculate the distance between A and B
A) 100 B. 200 C) 240 D) 300 E) None
A:B=100:120 (Speed)
A:B=120:100 (Time)
ATQ 20==20
100==20*100/20 that is 100 minutes or 100/60 hr.
So D=120*(100/60) that is 200 km (Ans.)
=>t=2 hr
So D=100*2 that is 200 km (Ans.)
If ab<0 then all the following must be true EXCEPT
A) a/b<0 B. a^2+b^2>0 C) a^3+b^3<0 D) b/a<0 E) None
Answer :
We know that square always gives a positive value and cube always gives negative signs for the negative value.
So C is wrong due to its cube (Ans.)
The cost of 12 pencils and 10 pens is 320.the cost of 20 pencils and 15 pens is 500.what is the difference between the cost of a pen and a pencil ?
A) 5 B. 10 C) 15 D) 20 E) None
Answer :
10 pen+12 pencil=320
=>2(5 pen+6 pencil)=320
=>5 pen+6 pencil=160•••(1)
15 pen+20 pencil=500
=>5(3 pen+4 pencil)=500
=>3 pen+4 pencil=100•••(2)
(1)*3-(2)*5 =>
15 pen+18 pencil=480
15 pen+20 pencil=500
2 pencil=20
So, pencil =10
So, difference =20-10 that is 10 (Ans.)
If x is an integer and y=-4x+17 what is the least value of x for which y is less than 1 ?
A) 2 B. 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) None
If x=5 then y is less than 1
Ans. D
Arif bought a pen at a 30% discount on listed price.Few months later , he found that the price for the same pen has increased by 50% and the discount he got in taka remained the same .How much discount did Arif get in terms of the new listed price ??
A) 10% B. 15% C) 20% D) 22.5% E) None
Answer :
Again LP=150
CP=150-30 that is 120
So, discount =(30/150)*100 that is 20% (Ans.)


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