
হৃদয়ে রাজশাহী

রাজশাহী বাংলাদেশ এর অন্যতম একটি   প্রাচীন শহর।  রাজশাহীর বিভিন্ন   খবরা খবর ও তথ্য জানতে হৃদয়ে রাজশাহী গ্রুপ হৃদয়ে রাজশাহী এর সাথেই থাকুন     রাজশাহী  হৃদয়ে রাজশাহী Rajshahi   

Effect of using facebbok in real life

effect of using facebbok in real life is too much, nowdays without useing facebook a person can not thing about anything its just like a drag and this thing is to much deficults to leave.A person eho are already effect by facebook he can not leave facebook useing for any way if we cant stop this in future that will be suffer to much to us. Its deficult to stay away from facebook its make a person popular in the vartual life and the person who is using it he thinked about himself as a public futugre by watching like and comment. if we saw the history of pasat ganaration they do thier work to time to time but we are making very lazy to using facebook we cannot know this lazyness behaiour will be never end before change our the past when worker,student and all of the people get free thime they are used it with thier family and friends but now our ganarathion useing this time to useing facebbok . Facebook not only make us lazy it also harmful for our human boday and eyes als

The job is one of the most earning sources for man or woman

The job is one of the most earning sources for man or woman. Many people in Bangladesh are searching jobs in Bangladesh but it's not easy to get a good work. If you want to get any good work with good salary you have to prepare yourself for future. from student life you have to read too much that only you can achieve your aim in life you can’t able to get any things good in your life without did any good work so be careful about your future plan. When you are a student you have to choose what do want to be in your future when you fix your aim for your life that will be easy for you to make it true. If you chose many ways you can go well and the other had if choose one way you can go well at near to your place. So the thing about only one thing then only you can gain you work in your this section in Bangladesh to get a job is too much difficult cause is the competitor with you if you want to gain one thing many people will be your competitor of you so be careful about y

Life of a farmer

  A farmer is the hardest worker in any country and he works not only for him he also works for his country also. If we describe the history of a farmer from day to night than people understand how much work did a person for making good crops. A farmer work from the morning when too much food cover the nature when other people say lay down on the bed, but cannot lay down because he has to work and make good crops. It’s not an easy thing to do farming because if you don't know about farming and good hard work you can’t able to do this work. The farmer does his work day to night in this world nobody did not do this kind of hard work only Farmer works many country people doing their work by many have material but many poor countries it's not showing they did their work by their hand and power. A farmer knows every changed about nurture they know when heavy rain will come and when winter will be back. It’s important to know all about this-this also an important par

Student life is the best time for making your life Best

Student life is the best time for making your life Best. By the student life you can chose wher is your best plase to get good things in your life. Good student will go good place to devolop himself and Making his good future. Student is not only the future maker his or her famimly is the major things to deovolop and help a student to bulid up a good future. A man cannot bron to be a good and a baby never know about all of the thing in this world a baby lern form his famalily and from his relativs and try to do all of the work that he learn from his family and relative. It good or bad but he learn it from his socity i mean his family and relatives . Proper study can make a student good for his future it is proved by many other great people.many people bron in this world withoput money power but they bron with great human power in thier brien if we saw the history of this world we can see the many great history . to make you and your mind as a good student you shold floolw good r